Fullscreen is highly recommended.


A new project i came up with, thanks to theme of the UDC Jam #26 - On/Off. 

The project is inspired from "Ori and the Blind Forest". As in visual and all the light stuff.

It is an early prototype with minimal functions and features. Please let me know what you think of it. Every comment is appreciated whether good or bad. So criticize and roast all you can. Every feedback will be noted whether big or small.Also graphics and sounds are not final just using what i found. But the atmosphere and feel is close to what i had in mind? i think? probably. maybe. we will see.


  • A/S for movement
  • Space for jump
  • E to interact and continnue with dialogues. Pressing e while dialogue is writing skips it.
  • Left mouse click to fire(if applicable)
  • There is support for gamepad but i wouldnt recommend it.


David G : https://incolgames.itch.io/  - DUNGEON TILE SET

Admurin : https://admurin.itch.io/  - Parallax Backgrounds: Caves

Music And Sound

"grassy-footstep4" by Ashe Kirk or Owlish Arts (https://freesound.org/people/OwlStorm/)

"Searching" & "Shrine"  by yd(https://opengameart.org/users/yd)

"WALL LIGHT SWITCH" by StevenBrown - https://freesound.org/s/128439/

"SFX Jump flip" by Catthulu - https://freesound.org/s/563530/

"Loading Chime" by Raclure - https://freesound.org/s/405546/

"Dreamy bell" by danyourmaster - https://freesound.org/s/433654/

Notes:  If you find any bugs please let me know. Thanks!

v12a: Bug fix. Falling down from a pit doesn't return player back to ground.


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Nice atmosphere but the game is generally janky. Movement and jumping feel a little off.

Thank you for your feedback. I used rigidbody2d for movement and camera follow is cinemacine, it is probably a number thing but i will note this down. Also can you give me more info about what exactly felt off if you can?  Also reviewed your game. It was quite good.

nice game